Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cosmic Questions, One More Time

Is Texas part of the "old south" (democrat, secessionist),new south (republican), or part of the Tea Party (secessionist, again)?
            Chuck R.- Columbia, MD

What good are fleas?
             Tyler C.-  Vancouver, WA

Is there such a thing as absolute space?
                               Anna K. - Houston,TX

Jesus has come.  Why is everything still so incomplete?
                      Elizabeth R-H. - Alexandria VA

Is it likely that humankind will ever be free of the masks it wears?
                         David C. - Sao Paolo, Brazil

What is love?
                          Paula R. - Columbia, MD

Why are some people so resilient while others are so
devastated by similar events?
                           Nicole C. - Portland, OR
Will there ever be another ice age?
                           Joetta D. - Seattle, WA

Why on earth do we let anyone buy a gun?
                           Diana F. - Eugene, OR

What is normal?
                          Ellen K. - Houston, TX

How come we (collectively, not individually) are still racist?
                           Steven M. - Portland, OR

As a train passes cows in the field, why are the cows always facing the train?
                          Charles H. - Portland, OR

What prevents management from following the suggestions made by employees?
                          Betsy H. - Richmond, VA

Why is it that whenever you have to make a connecting flight, with an impossibly short layover, the connecting flight is always at the other end of the airport?
                  Mike L. - Portland, OR

(ed. note - This ends the trifecta of those questions posed by readers for which they have never received a satisfactory answer; aka: cosmic questions.  Next year's reader input will address the question: If you were in congress, and could write one piece of legislation which would be passed by both houses, what would it be?)