From the desk of Bubba Clee-Shay, C.E.O. to all office personnel:
Please be advised that the bottom line, at this point in time, is that we have to change the narrative. There is a golden window of opportunity that awaits us. We have to be ready to seize the moment, at all costs.
It goes without saying that we expect all personnel to double down, go the whole nine yards, and give it their best shot to turn this thing around. That will be the robust thrust of our first course of decisive action, detailed in a newly revised mission statement; citing chapter, line and verse of where we need to be pushing the envelope, and pulling out all the stops as a team. Duplicate copies will be available with an enclosed S.A.S.E.
Be that as it may, it's crystal-clear that it's now or never for a new and different course of action. The corporate heirarchy is behind this revolutionary, new game-plan, one hundred and ten percent, so to speak.
It doesn't behoove us to dwell in the past with trickle-down economics or Obamacare in the eleventh hour, as it were. Also, it would be counter-productive to describe this initiative as, "So not happening!" Call it what you will, it is what it is. Everybody will be empowered by all means necessary to maximize entire potential, and make it happen. Badda-bing, Budda-boom.
Will we throw any reasonable alternative under the bus? Not hardly. Will it sell in Peoria? Funny you should ask. Is "artisan" the new-age way to define what we're after? Time will tell. When it's all said and done, game-changers come in many shapes and sizes. What we can't abide is re-inventing the wheel, and going back to square one. Make no mistake, all options will be on the table, and no stone will be left unturned. Now, let's go for the gusto, marshall the troops, and begin networking like there's no tomorrow!
If this campaign collapses like a house of cards, or we run it up the flagpole and nobody salutes, I'll likely throw in the towel. It'll be time to open the golden parachute, and spend more time with my family. I'm just saying.
Let me leave you with these words to live by: No matter where life's road takes you; whether it's the boulevard of broken dreams, or the highway to heaven - there you go.
Have a nice day.
B. Clee-Shay
ps: This bus is leaving the building. B.C-S.
Looks like you gave it 110%